Changes the molecular structure of the water
Which makes it 'thinner'
Therefore requiring less energy to heat
Easy to install in 15 minutes
Lasts for at least 10 years
For a complete technical explanation please see our downloads.
Rigorously tested
1,000's of case studies
No system downtime
Installed in 15 minutes
No maintenance
Works for at least 10 years
EndoTherm - Case Studies and Installation Guide
EndoTherm - Technical Guide
EndoCool - Case Studies and Installation Guide
EndoCool - Technical Guide
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We will work this out for you from the information in the enquiry form.
Yes, any heating system where a boiler is used to heat water EndoTherm will work
Research has shown that EndoTherm remains stable and is able to sustain at a functional concentration within a closed heating system circuit for 10+ years provided no significant fluid loss (and subsequent refilling causing EndoTherm dilution) has occurred due to leaks or maintenance.
EndoTherm can be added to a system using a feed and expansion tank or via a partially drained radiator.
Yes. EndoTherm will need to be re-installed after a drain-down, or if the radiators or boiler are changed.
EndoTherm compliments inhibitor products. This applies to systems already dosed with an inhibitor and systems where an inhibitor is introduced after EndoTherm has been installed. EndoTherm has some inhibitor properties itself and functions alongside inhibitors without issue.
EndoTherm performs both on an existing system with clean or dirty water and also on a new clean system. On a clean new system that has just been installed you will need to flush first before installing EndoTherm. From the various installations the manufacturer has carried out, the systems that achieve the highest energy savings are those that have been flushed first.
EndoTherm is not dangerous to touch. It has the official classification of a “mild irritant” but carries no hazardous threat.
Yes, EndoTherm can be used in both closed and open wet based central heating systems. For open vented systems, we recommend you increase the dosage by 10% for optimal performance.