INSTANTLY Reduce Heating Bills by 15%.

Endotherm is an award winning easy to install additive to wet heating systems that Is Proven To save Up to 15%.


Typical Energy Savings


Typical Carbon Reduction


Years Payback or Less


Buildings Installed

With Endotherm

INSTANT Energy And Carbon Savings

How Endotherm Works.

Endotherm is an additive added to your wet heating system that

  • Changes the molecular structure of the water

  • Which makes it 'thinner'

  • Therefore requiring less energy to heat

  • Easy to install in 15 minutes

  • Lasts for at least 10 years

For a complete technical explanation please see our downloads.

Features Of Endotherm.

Proven Savings

  • Rigorously tested

  • 1,000's of case studies

Easy Installation

  • No system downtime

  • Installed in 15 minutes

Non Corrosive

  • Non-corrosive

  • Non-hazardous

No Maintenance

  • No maintenance

  • Works for at least 10 years

Works On All Wet Heating Systems.

Irrespective of the type of heating fuel or the technology used.

Here Are Some Of 1,000 Of Commercial Case Studies.

And Case Studies For Domestic Properties too.

All Purchases Include A Certificate With Your Carbon Reduction.

Use this to prove your green credentials to customers and win more tenders for new work.

For Cooling Systems

There Is EndoCool

This works in exactly the same way as Endotherm, but for cooling systems. Information and case studies is available in the Dowloads.


  • EndoTherm - Case Studies and Installation Guide

  • EndoTherm - Technical Guide

  • EndoCool - Case Studies and Installation Guide

  • EndoCool - Technical Guide

Receive A 10% Discount If You Are A Member Of

A FREE to join online platform that provides decarbonisation knowledge, solutions and the best products in pre-recorded 20 minute webinars.

Here Are Your 5 Steps To Saving Money And Carbon :

  • Complete the enquiry form

  • Receive a quote also showing your energy and carbon saving plus the ROI

  • Purchase Endotherm

  • Receive your carbon reduction certificate

  • Install and INSTANTLY save money

Frequently Asked Question

How much Endotherm do I need?

We will work this out for you from the information in the enquiry form.

Will Endotherm work in any wet heating system?

Yes, any heating system where a boiler is used to heat water EndoTherm will work

How long does Endotherm last?

Research has shown that EndoTherm remains stable and is able to sustain at a functional concentration within a closed heating system circuit for 10+ years provided no significant fluid loss (and subsequent refilling causing EndoTherm dilution) has occurred due to leaks or maintenance.

How do I install Endotherm?

EndoTherm can be added to a system using a feed and expansion tank or via a partially drained radiator.

Does EndoTherm need to be re-installed after a drain-down, for instance when the property is void, or when new radiators or a boiler are installed?

Yes. EndoTherm will need to be re-installed after a drain-down, or if the radiators or boiler are changed.

Can Endotherm with with or without an inhibitor and cleaner ?

EndoTherm compliments inhibitor products. This applies to systems already dosed with an inhibitor and systems where an inhibitor is introduced after EndoTherm has been installed. EndoTherm has some inhibitor properties itself and functions alongside inhibitors without issue.

Should Endotherm be applied to a clean or an existed filled system?

EndoTherm performs both on an existing system with clean or dirty water and also on a new clean system. On a clean new system that has just been installed you will need to flush first before installing EndoTherm. From the various installations the manufacturer has carried out, the systems that achieve the highest energy savings are those that have been flushed first.

Is Endotherm dangerous?

EndoTherm is not dangerous to touch. It has the official classification of a “mild irritant” but carries no hazardous threat.

Can Endotherm be used in an open vented system?

Yes, EndoTherm can be used in both closed and open wet based central heating systems. For open vented systems, we recommend you increase the dosage by 10% for optimal performance.

Part of the Asset Utilities Group who has been supporting businesses since 2007 with renewable and sustainable advice.

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Offices in Glasgow and High Wycombe, Bucks